I have added advertising to this site and it has already appeared in the WordPress section and will in due course spread to the other pages which are in a variety of different formats, layouts and styles. It is a regrettable step but the huge size, age and complexity of the site and its valuable content makes it imperative that I start building a financial cushion so that in time I can hire professional help to organise and tame it before it gets too big.
There has been a donation button on the site for many years which has been little used and that is why I have taken this step. The advertising is looking a little messy in some places but I hope to smooth it out in time and it can easily be switched off. I will soon have a way for people who appreciate the site to support it with a small amount every month and I will pledge myself to turn off the advertising after the monthly donations reach a certain level.
The site will always be free to access but the numbers of site visitors are such that a tiny monthly subscription from each will be enough to reorganise and revamp it.
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