Aviation queries

posted in: InfoRequests 4
Durban Wings Club Piper Tripacer c 1955. Picture courtesy Michael Traynor.
Durban Wings Club Piper Tripacer c 1955. Picture courtesy Michael Traynor.


Reader Michael Traynor has been in touch with a couple of queries. The first is to do with the picture, above, of a Piper Tripacer which apparently once belonged to the Durban Wings Club. It was taken in around 1955 and unfortunately the last registration letter on the tail was cut off leaving us with ZS-CC. Does anyone know what the missing letter would have been?

He also wrote:

“LADY MARY HEATH. I wish to express my thanks to Allan and his web site Facts about Durban for the contacts he assisted me establish when researching Mabel & Sheila Glass. I am now researching Lady Mary Heath the Irish aviatrix of the 1920’s. On 11 January 1928 she arrived in Durban during her flight from Cape Town to London. I would be very interested to hear from any of your readers that might have any photographs of Lady Heath during her flight through Africa and in particular her visit to Durban in January 1928. Thank you to your readers for their assistance in the past. Kind regards, Michael Traynor, Dublin, Ireland.”

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4 Responses

  1. Mike
    | Reply

    I Really hope this is the aircraft you are looking for. I found the following story “”#7752 remained in its crate until 1955. It was assembled and registered ZS-CCW in April 1956. ZS-CCW was based at Virginia (Durban) and returned to the Transvaal “…….
    The full story is at the link below..


  2. Trevor Friend
    | Reply

    Hi Mike,

    It may be ZS-CCY as per the following link but the year of manufacture is 1956 and the first registration date is 1970 (in SA presumably?)


  3. Trevor Friend
    | Reply

    Hi Mike,

    One other thing, Virginia Airport didn’t open until 1959 so if the picture is circa 1955 then it was probably taken at the Stamford Hill aerodrome where the DWC were previously based. Maybe someone else is familiar with and can identify the background in the picture.

    • Allan Jackson

      I happen to know that Virginia Airport opened officially on 10 July 1959 which makes me one day older than it. I guess it must have been in use a bit before that date.

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