Memories from Scotland

posted in: Mini Memories 2

Iain Wilson wrote in with the following memories.

I was born, like a lot of people in Addington hospital and lived a part of my early life in Bathurst Road, Woodlands, Durban, (from 1956 until 1966). I attended the Infant and Primary schools in Woodlands. I was supposed to attend New Forest High but we moved to Umbilo and I ended up at Glenwood high.

We then moved to the Scilla Court, Kenneth Gardens in Selbourne Road, Umbilo from 1966 to 1971. The flats were a great area to play. There were 2 lots of flats each of which surrounded a large park. Also inside the circle were wash rooms for doing laundry.

We used to play ‘One Bounce’ football and use the washine line posts as goals. I had 2 pals who also lived in Scilla Court. Andre ? and Pamela Smith. Pamela was a damned good footballer in the days before there was organised girls football. We would play football on the hockey fields at Port Natal high School on many a weekend and school holiday.

I also spent many a weekend at Stella Park bowling club where my Grandparents played bowls. On Sunday evenings after the bowls the older folks would sit and have a wee drink while we kids ran around daft. On some occasions a singalong would start on the small stage.

Down the bottom of Stellawood Road and the Umbilo Road there was a large baker that we used to go to and buy a newly baked loaf of bread.

However, I wonder if anyone remembers the large crane that used to sit down around there somewhere. Every Friday the crane would lift a car on a platform up high and it would stay there all weekend. It was visible from the windows of our flats in Stella Court, Kenneth Gardens (In Selbourne Road across the road from Port Natal High School).

Kind Regards
Iain Wilson, Forfar, Scotland.

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2 Responses

    | Reply

    Hi Iain,
    Thanks for the interesting little article I came across. Perhaps you are the same Iain Wilson I was at school with at Lyttelton Manor, 1969 until 1974. I remember you had come from Durban and lived in Valhalla. I too lived in Durban in the ’80’s and now would like to return some day. I also spent 5 months in Lanark in Scotland in 1976.
    Now live in Jobrug. Remember lots of chats and fun at school.
    Alan Lehman

  2. Iain Wilson
    | Reply

    Hello Alan

    I definitely am the same Iain Wilson. Great memories as a kid living in Durban and Valhalla.
    I have lived in Scotland since 1976. I do remember your name but can’t place you.



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