first steam railway in South
Africa ran in Durban in 1860 but, as this article by Terry
Hutson shows, Durban actually had a railway a couple of years
before that. Terry is owner of the excellent Ports
and Shipping site which has much of interest about all
Southern African ports including shipping movements. Allan
- the story of South Africa's wooden railway
Terry R Hutson
No story
and record of the Durban railway and it's locomotives would
be complete if the Bluff Railway was ignored. Four years before
the building of the Durban - Point railway, a line just 100
yards short of one mile had been constructed and was in operation
on the Bluff side of Durban harbour. There was little glamour
in this compared to the fanfare and ceremony experienced across
the bay in 1860, and today nothing remains of this venture,
which had such an important effect on the viability of the
picture, above left, shows a view taken from the Bluff
and showing the wooden railway running along the fringe
of the bush. The map of the railway, above right, was
drawn by PC Sutherland in 1860. Click the pictures to
view enlargements. Images courtesy Terry Hutson. |
To understand
the reasons for the building of this little railway, it is
necessary to examine some of the background. The commencement
of Durban, as a settlement for whites from the Cape and Europe
had its beginnings in 1824, when a party of traders under
the leadership of Lieut. Francis G Farewell, RN, with about
twenty other adventurers, was given permission by the Governor
of the Cape Colony to establish a station at Natal "for
the advancement of. trade and civilisation". Prior to
this the bay at Port Natal, or Durban as it was to become,
had experienced few European visitors since Vasco da Gama's
reported visit here in 1497 with his Portuguese. The exceptions
were those unfortunate souls who were shipwrecked in the vicinity
during the next three and a quarter centuries, and forced
to remain in the shelter of the bay of Natal and await rescue
or build new ships to make good their escape.
Farewell's party arrived in the brig Salisbury in 1824, and
after having obtained permission from the Zulu king, Shaka,
created a settlement. which was later to grow into the town
and then city of Durban. Despite several setbacks, including
having the town sacked by the Zulus during the reign of King
Dingane in 1838 and being besieged by Voortrekker settlers
four years later, the young settlement survived and grew,
and by the late .1840s it was beginning to receive shiploads
of new settlers and accompanying cargo.
The Bay of Natal, in essence a great lagoon watered by several
rivers, is bordered on the south by the Bluff, a prominent
headland which formed the only natural [such] feature along
the entire Natal coast. To the north of the Bluff [and across
the entrance channel to the bay] lies a spur of land which,
from early days, was called the Point. The mouth of the bay
contains a natural submarine sandbank, the Bar, which at.
times had a depth of a mere six feet. (2 metres) of water
at high tide, preventing anything other than the smallest
sea-going vessels from entering or departing, and then only
at great peril to themselves.
As more
and more settlers arrived in the late 1840s the necessity
of improvements to the harbour entrance became more critical.
Between 1849 and 1850 imports doubled and it also became apparent
that larger and larger ships were used. The inability of these
vessels to enter the bay resulted in them anchoring in the
outer anchorage, which was notorious in bad weather; witness
the fact that 66 ships were blown ashore from this anchorage
and wrecked on Durban's South Beach between the years 1845-185.
Thus it became of paramount importance to find a solution
to the problem posed by the Bar and, to this end in 1849,
a commission was appointed to examine this problem.
from this, the Government of Natal appointed Mr John Milne,
a civil engineer who had recently arrived on one of the Byrne
immigrant ships, to attend to the matter. Following his own
observations, Milne decided that the tidal velocity into and
out of the bay could he increased by reducing the size of
the mouth, thereby causing the tides to scour the sandbanks
and remove the problem. He proposed building a north pier
from the Point and a south pier from the end of the Bluff
and he estimated that the effects of this would result in
a permanent depth at the harbour entrance of 30ft. (9 metres),
his various problems, which included gross underfunding, was
a lack of suitable stone within reasonable distance of the
harbour. A quarry existed at Cato Manor, on the other side
of the Berea ridge, and other stone could be obtained to the
north of the Berea at the Umgeni, both of which would have
required considerable effort to collect and transport. On
the other side of the harbour mouth sandstone existed at the
base of the Bluff, and this offered a practicable source.
The Bluff sandstone was highly calcareous with fossil shell
but Milne, ater discussing the matter with Natal's Surveyor
General, Dr William Stanger, decided that once submerged under
water the stone would prove durable enough for the building
of the north pier.
The stone
was initially quarried opposite the Point, at a position roughly
where Wests Railway station now stands. Nearly 60ft (18 metres)
of soil had to be removed to expose the stone. This was worked
until 1854, after which the work of quarrying stone 'was moved
to the end of the Bluff, where exposed rock facing the sea
fifty foot above sea level could be quarried. Long drills
and gunpowder were used to blast loose the rock. 'To convey
the rock from this new position to a quiet place in the bay
itself from where it could be ferried across the channel,
Milne elected to build a railway. It is interesting to note
that John Milne always insisted that his new railway, the
first in South Africa, was not to be called a tramway. He
argued that the industrial tramways of Britain consisted of
flanged tracks between which unflanged wheels ran, whereas
he had designed and built and built flanged wheels to run
on wooden rails.
of the Railway:
Campbell and Richard Godden tendered for and were awarded
the contract for earthworks for the new railway. Milne proposed
that Robert Thompson, a professional sawyer, ~should be awarded
the job of sawing lengths of timber for the tracks, but was
overruled by the harbour committee who insisted on tenders
being called. A general handyman, whose other possible claim
to fame lay in the fact that he had been one of Dick King's
wagon drivers, and assisted by a runaway sailor, was duly
awarded the contract and they set about their duties. Milne's
amusing description best fits their abilities: "...and
having begun work, it soon appeared that the saw, at least,
was very peverse, She went out to windward and to leeward,
whether they would or not, and that therefore they could not
cut the rails straight as they were bound to. Moreover these
unfortunate men blamed not only the saw but one another and
not agreeing on this latter point, thrashed one another so
tightly that the co-partnership was soon broken up".
The harbour
committee felt these two should be given another chance, but
adjusted the work rates, following which the two ne'er-do-wells
spent. much of their time sharpening their saw and carrying
away ruined logs. When the cost of sawing had escalated to
five times that quoted by Mr. Thompson, the committee finally
agreed that Milne could appoint whoever he chose, and Thompson
and later , Messrs. Charles Gregory and William Hart completed
the work and the track was duly laid.
The track
was laid at an average height of six feet above high tide,
and measured just under one mile in length (:1,6) km), At
the end of the Bluff a rather prominent corner had to blasted
away to allow for the track's curvature. The track hugged
the side of the Bluff until it reached the point. where the
loading jetty was to be built. It was built. Dead level with
a worst curve of some 100ft. The gauge used was 4ft., and
the sawn timber rails, cut lengthways along the timber, were
taken from local Milkwood trees, which grew in profusion on
the Bluff. The timer rails were wedged into cuts made onto
the rounded top of half log sleepers, which were laid with
their flat sides down.
wagons were designed and built. to John Milne's specifications
.Each four-wheeled wagon, with wooden wheels and flanges,
had a capacity of three tons. They measured eight feel long,
five feet wide and three feet high. A train consisted of four
of the wagons hauled by a team of eight oxen. Once a week
a fresh span of ten oxen was swum across the bay to relieve
the other. It was said that they made such a noise, accompanied
by their Zulu drivers who added to the din with shouting and
cracking of whips, that they could be heard long before they
came into view around the Bluff. The stone was cut into squares
weighing about about50lb each and were cut into shapes which
allowed them to be locked into each other. The costs of quarrying
the stone was estimated at1s.9d per ton and the hire of the
lighter to ferry it across the harbour mouth at1s.4d per ton,
The railway itself was commenced in February 1856 and completed
that year.
Not too much stone from the new quarry could have been carried
on the railway, as the work on the pier, which had reached
150 yards (137 metres) by the end of that same year, was halted
in 1857 on instructions from the new Lieut. Governor, John
Scott, who believed that the work was taking too long and
was proving too costly. This latter was in spite of the fact
that Milne had spent only 14% of the original amount voted
for his project, and his spending had included the building
of a road into town, building of a jail, and the building
of embankment in addition to some 500ft. of pier. At the loading
point, the stone had been manually loaded onto a specially
constructed flat-bottomed lighter, named Came. Milne had proposed
building a jetty to facilitate this, the Lieut. Governor refused
to sanction it, Scott. also believed that no further work
on the north pier should proceed until the opinion of higher
engineering authority in England had been obtained.
John Milne
took exception to this and to instructions to proceed with
using methods which he clearly did not agree with, and he
was suspended from his duties. As a result, he either resigned
or was asked to resign as Harbour Engineer in 1858. From subsequent
reading of the background to this affair, it appears that
Milne was harshly and unfairly treated. The committee appointed
to investigate and report on the matter included George Cato,
a leading personality in Durban, who had long been critical
of Milne's proposals and, it is suggested, may have had reasons
to feel aggrieved that Milne would never agree to buying stone
from Cato's own quarry at Cato Manor. In his reply to the
committee on this very point, Milne said that he " never
had any great objection to the use of stone from Cato's Manor
except that of the great expense of bringing it to the worked."
He went on that the calculations of bringing a railroad to
Congella and to Cato's Manor (over the ridge behind the Berea)
would have proved far too costly. This point. provides interesting
speculation on railway development in Durban had these proposals
indeed been carried out!
Of all the costly later attempts in overcoming the problem
of the sandbar at. the entrance to Durban harbour, it was
later to be proved that Milne's ideas were very close to being
vindicated, certainly in respect of where he commenced building
the north pier. His railway, albeit of 'wooden construction
and drawn by oxen, proved highly successful, and introduced
to the young colony a new method of transport, which it shortly
was to develop and pioneer even further.
The Bluff Railway, although fallen into disuse following Milne's
resignation, remained in situ until at least the early 1870s.
Natal Government Railways constructed a railway in 1896 from
a junction on the South Coast line at Clairwood to a terminus
at. Wests Station.. In the early part of the 20th century
an extension to this .line was made around the corner of the
Bluff to service a number of whaling stations, by then established
on the seaward side of the promontory. This line was laid
over the original wooden railway trackbed and extended several
kilometers further on. Although, since the mid-seventies it
is no longer in use and is 1argely covered by a gravel road
and undergrowth, this track still exists.
sources this article include:
- Birth
and Development of the Natal Railways, The: F.D. Campbell:
Shuter and Shuter: 1951
- Cradle
Days of Natal 1497-191845: Graham Mackeurtan: Shuter and
Shuter: 1948.
- Enterprise
and Exploration in a Victorian Colony: Editors Guest &
Sellers, Author Louise Heydenrych: University of Natal Press:
- History
of Old Durbam: George Russell: P Davis & Sons: 1899.
- Father
of City - the life and work of George Christopher Cato First
Mayor of Durban; Eric Goetzshe: Shuter and Shuter:
- Shipwreck
& Survival: AR Wilcox: Drakensberg Press: 1984
- Who
saved Natal? - the story of the Victorian Harbour Engineers
of Colonial Port Natal: Colin Bender: Self Published: 1988.